Getting Ready To Sell: Part 1

Get Ready to Sell: Part 1
There is a lot that needs to be done once you decide to sell!
We all take pride in our homes and of course always want them to be presentable. However, simply cleaning your home before showing it isn’t the only thing necessary. Little things that you probably don’t even notice could be wrong or unattractive to the appearance or functionality of your home and you need another set of eyes to find them.
Pre-sale home inspections are perfect for alerting you to potential trouble areas. Inspectors will be able to point out any repairs that you should make that will stand out to potential buyers. You want to make sure you put the very best version of your home in front of them when it comes time for open house. It is their job to find all of the problem areas for you!
The second step after your inspection is completed would be to get replacement estimates on anything that needs to be repaired. You can choose to pay to fix the problems yourself or hold onto that information for negotiations with potential buyers. Having this information readily available instills trust into buyers that you are being open and honest about any potential problems they may have with their new home.
After inspection and repair estimates, there are quite a few more things you will need to do. Part 1 of this 2 post series will identify some to-dos outside of the home:
●How is your curb appeal? Curb appeal is the very first outside impression of your home. It takes into consideration the landscaping, including the lawn and bushes. The best way to do this is to take a full 360 walk around your property. Pretend like you are seeing it for the first time. How does everything look to you?
●Is there anything that needs to be fixed outside the home? Whether it is a door frame, gate or broken latch, you want to make sure that a potential buyer's first impression of your home isn’t noticing what is broken.
●What is the cleanliness outside your home? This includes all windows, walkways and entrances. Pressure washing and deep cleaning the outside will make it bright and inviting as people begin viewing your home. This creates the ideal first impression!
This post only barely scratches the surface on things to consider doing. The full scope of things that you need to do before selling your home can be found in my new book “Before You Sell Your Home”. It is your step-by-step guide to help you stay sane, save money and stay legal during the process. It is everything you need to know about getting involved in real estate to sell your home and it fits into your hand!
Can you think of some other things you should be sure to do before selling your home? Comment below and let’s talk real estate